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Invisible Orthodontics


What do I need to know about Invisible Orthodontics?

What is Invisible Orthodontics?

This is a completely painless technique that does not affect the aesthetic aspect of a patient’s smile. Thus, it is ideal for adults who want to achieve a perfect orthodontic result that doesn’t affect their daily personal and professional life, neither functionally nor aesthetically.

In which cases is Invisible Orthodontics applied?

Invisible orthodontics deals with the cases of orthodontic treatment, ie the movement and correction of the position of the teeth (poor convergence, crooked teeth, gaps between the teeth, misalignment of the midline, etc.) using invisible teeth aligners.

What does Invisible Orthodontics use to improve the image of the teeth?

Invisible orthodontics is a new field that uses innovative techniques for permanent aesthetic improvement of the teeth.

  • “Invisible splints” (“Transparent splints”):

Invisible orthodontics uses “invisible braces” or “transparent braces” as a means of correcting orthodontic problems. Invisible braces are systems of transparent membranes (aligners) that aim to help align the teeth. Transparent orthodontic braces are applied to the entire surface of the teeth, without creating problems in speech or aesthetics. The patient should wear them daily for about 20 hours while they are very easily removed for the time of eating but also for brushing the teeth.

  • How do “Invisible Aligners” work?

First, the dentist makes accurate impression of the patients’ teeth. The aligners are personalized and designed specifically for each patient with the help of a computer program. The aligners are designed to painlessly exert mild pressure on the teeth. Each set of aligners (for upper and lower jaw) is replaced successively after about 15 days by a new one, which exerts even more pressure, etc. The gradual improvement of the smile starts immediately, and the end result is spectacular.

Advantages of Invisible Orthodontics

Invisible orthodontics is an innovative technique with immediate results and many advantages.

  1. The aligners are made of high-tech material and fit perfectly onto the denture. As a result, they are not visible, and the patient’s smile is not affected.
  2. The treatment is painless and does not cause discomfort.
  3. They can easily and quickly be removed for a social activity or a business appointment.
  4. They allow excellent oral hygiene as they can be removed for brushing teeth and repositioned.
  5. It is an excellent choice for pregnant women, patients with allergies and all adults in general.

Book your appointment now at: +30 2831020889