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Cosmetic Dentistry


What do I need to know about Cosmetic Dentistry?

What is Aesthetic Dentistry?

Aesthetic Dentistry deals with the improvement of the image of the teeth including issues that affect the patient’s smile, his social interactions and finally his self-confidence.

What does Aesthetic Dentistry include?

The patient who chooses to proceed with an aesthetic intervention of their teeth, can choose between many different restoration tasks, always depending on the problem he faces and after the diagnostic treatment by the dentist. Aesthetic dentistry is suitable for cases such as “yellow” teeth and teeth discoloration, replacement of black fillings and correction of tooth shape.

These works are divided into less invasive, such as teeth whitening, and more invasive, such as porcelain and resin veneers, ceramic inserts and inlays, and all-ceramic crowns.

Teeth whitening

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a specialized, non-invasive and painless procedure that is applied to remove stains from the teeth, with the ultimate goal of a brighter smile. This is a completely safe technique with amazing results, since the materials used are biocompatible, made with special specifications and without any effect on the enamel.

How is teeth whitening done?

Teeth whitening is done by using a gel whitener, which is applied to the surface of the teeth causing a chemical reaction and decomposition of the pigments, without destroying the tooth substance.

In what ways is bleaching carried out?

  • Bleaching at the doctor’s office: The whitening at the doctor’s office is performed by the dentist, who, after first isolating the gums with a special insulating material so that they do not come into contact with the whitening agent, spreads the special gel on the surface of the teeth, which gradually penetrates into the enamel and dentin. Bleaching at the doctor’s office requires about 2-3 visits, lasting almost an hour. Some patients are satisfied after 2 visits and others in 4. It all depends on the discoloration of the teeth and the final brightness that each patient desires.
  • Bleaching at home: Whitening at home is done essentially by the patient himself, always under the strict instructions of the dentist. Whitening at home is done by applying specially made aligners for each patient. The patient places the bleaching gel very carefully in the aligners so that the material does not overflow irritate the gums. The special aligners are put on for a few hours daily, for 2 to 3 weeks. During this time the patient should visit the dentist, who will guide and supervise the whitening process.

How long does whitening last?

Whitening is an aesthetic treatment and is long lasting. However, aggravating factors, such as smoking, frequent consumption of red wine and soft drinks and poor oral hygiene certainly do not favor the longevity of the result. In any case, the color of the teeth does not regain the intense initial discoloration.

Porcelain veneers and bonding resins

What are porcelain veneers?

Porcelain veneers are very thin constructions made of ceramic material (porcelain), which have the ability to give the teeth the same shine as natural ones, as they visually mimic the surface of real teeth. The veneers are glued on the existing teeth, on the front side of each tooth. Their use is recommended for cases of discolored or crooked teeth, for sparse teeth, etc., while the results are unchanged (not affected by the passage of time or eating habits) and spectacular.

What are resin bonding?

Resin bonding refers to very thin resin coatings, which are placed on the front of the teeth, in order to correct discoloration, shape and inclination of the teeth. The application of resin bonding is recommended for cases of discoloration, shape correction, thin teeth with coating of small gaps, etc. The use of resin bonding requires minimal grinding of the front teeth, while as a process it is simple, conservative and economical.

Inlays and overlays

What are inlays and overlays?

Modern dentistry has advanced and now meets patients’ expectations for less invasive, longer lasting and more reliable solutions. One such option is inlays and overlays, two types of dental work used as common fillings to replace black fillings, or for teeth restoration in the event of extensive damage such as caries and fracture.

Inlays are the restorations that take place in the center of the chewing surface of the tooth.

Overlays are restorations that extend to one or more tops of the tooth.

The technique of inlays and overlays is similar to that of fillings, but they are placed in the mouth in a different way, using a detailed imprint of the tooth cavity and they have greater strength than a common filling.

When are inlays and overlays placed?

The use of inlays and overlays is chosen by the dentist when the tooth wear is extensive and can not be repaired with a simple filling, but also when the wear is not so extensive that it is necessary to cover the entire tooth with a crown . It is worth noting that their construction protects the tooth from bacterial infection, a common problem that occurs in large fillings.

What are their advantages?

Inlays and overlays are safer than extended fillings which due to the forces they exert may lead to tooth breakage. They also have a better aesthetic effect, retain most of the dental tissue as they require less grinding and they are durable as their life expectancy is about 15 years.

All-ceramic crowns

Modern all-ceramic crowns are the ideal solution for cases of loss of large dental substance from caries, root canal treatments, fracture, etc. They are made entirely out of porcelain and are of excellent strength and aesthetics, biocompatible and more advanced than the traditional metal-ceramic crowns, in which over time the metal begins to reveal and create a black unsightly line on the border of the tooth and the gum.

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